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Official data of the Doctoral School

Identification data of the Doctoral School

Institution: University of Miskolc

Identification: 33

Name of the doctoral school: Antal Kerpely Docotral School of Materials Science and Technology

City: Miskolc

Area of Science: engineering sciences

Discipline: materials science and technologies

Year of establisment: 2000

Year of commencement of training: 1994

MAB certification decision number, date, validity:

Fulfil 2018/7/XII/3/2/1188, 2018. VII. 20. , 2019. VII. 31.


Head of the Doctoral School

Chairperson of the Doctoral council: Prof. Dr. Zoltán Gácsi, university professor

Institute: Institiute of Physical Metallurgy, Metalforming and Nanotechnology

Phone number: 06/46/565-111/15-41



Vice - chairperson of the Doctoral council: Prof. Dr. Valéria Mertinger, university professor, director of institute

Institute: Institiute of Physical Metallurgy, Metalforming and Nanotechnology

Phone number: (06/46/565-111/15-45



Secretary of the Doctoral Council: Dr. Mária Svéda Kissné, tudományos főmunkatárs

Organizational Unit: MTA-ME Anyagtudományi Kutatócsoport

Phone number:  06/46/565-111/15-06



The Dean’s Office of the Faculty is in charge of administration of the Doctoral School: Roneczné Ambrus-Tóth Judit, expert assistant

Organizational Unit: Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

Phone number:  06/46/565-090



Dékáni Hivatal doktoranduszi ügyekkel megbízott előadója:  Gabriella Szabó-Balázsdi, expert assistant

Organizational Unit: Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

Phone number: 06/46/565-111/20-72



A Doktori Iskola külföldi doktoranduszi ügyekkel megbízott előadója: Ágnes Solczi, administrative assistant

Organizational Unit: Műszaki Anyagtudományi Kar Kerámia- és Polimermérnöki Intézet

Phone number: 06/46/565-102
