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Folyóíratok listája

Az alábbi oldalon nemzetközi folyóíratoknak egy összegyűjtött listája tekinthető meg. A táblázatban szereplő folyóíratok Q indexe és H indexe 2021 -es állapotokra vonatkoznak. Forrás: SCImago Journal and Country Rank (SJR)


Folyóirat neve Q index H index Kiadó, ország Elérhetőség
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Q1 32 Mary Ann Liebert Inc., USA ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Q1 255 American Chemical Society, USA ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Acta Materialia Q1 316 Elsevier BV, Netherlands ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Acta Biomaterialia Q1 207 Elsevier BV, Netherlands ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) Q1 37 Kexue Chubaneshe/Science Press, China ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Q2 38 Obuda University, Hungary ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Additive Manufacturing Q1 89 Elsevier BV, Netherands ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Advances in Applied Ceramics Q2 49 Maney Publishing, UK ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Q1 194 Elsevier BV, Netherands ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Advanced Engineering Materials Q1 121 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Advanced Materials Q1 563 Wiley-Blackwell, USA ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
AICHE Journal Q1 173 Wiley-Blackwell, USA ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
AIP Advances Q3 64 American Institute of Physics Inc., USA ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Algal Research Q1 75 Elsevier BV, Netherlands ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition Q1 579 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK
Annals of Nuclear Energy Q1 72 Elsevier Ltd., UK ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology Q1 75 Annual Reviews Inc., USA ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Q1 274 Elsevier BV, Netherlands ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Applied Energy Q1 235 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Applied Materials Today Q1 56 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Applied Optics Q1 203 Optical Society of America, USA
Applied Physics Letters Q1 452 American Institute of Physics, USA
Applied Surface Science Q1 204 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Applied Thermal Engineering Q1 173 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Archives of Foundry Engineering Q3 14 Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Q3 31 Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Biomacromolecules Q1 232 American Chemical Society, USA
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Q1 101 Chemical Society of Japan/Nippon Kagakukai, Japán
Calphad Q2 66 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly Q2 38 Maney Publishing, UK
Carbohydrate Polymers Q1 228 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Carbon Q1 296 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Cellulose Q1 132 Springer Netherlands, Hollandia
Cement and Concrete Research Q1 239 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Ceramics International Q1 126 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Chemical Communications Q1 348 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Chemical Engineering Research and Design Q1 108 Institute of Chemical Engineers, UK
Chemical Engineering Science Q1 194 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Chemistry Letters Q2 116 Chemical Society of Japan/Nippon Kagakukai, Japan
Chemistry of Materials Q1 393 American Chemical Society, USA
Chemical Reviews Q1 745 American Chemical Society, USA
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Q2 132 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Chemosphere Q1 265 Elsevier Ltd., UK
ChemPhysChem Q1 148 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK
Chemical Physics Letters Q2 240 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
China Foundry Q2 20 Springer Singapore, Singapore
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Q1 169 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Colloid and Polymer Science Q2 89 Springer Verlag, Germany
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Q2 179 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Combustion and Flame Q1 190 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Q1 193 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Composites Part B: Engineering Q1 163 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Composites Science and Technology Q1 226 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Composite Structures Q1 170 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Computational Materials Science Q1 126 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Computational Mechanics Q1 109 Springer Verlag, Germany
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Q1 205 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Corrosion Science Q1 219 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Crystal Growth & Design Q2 163 American Chemical Society, USA
Current Applied Physics Q2 91 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science Q1 153 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science Q1 118 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Dalton Transactions Q1 193 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Diamond and Related Materials Q2 116 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Drug Delivery Q1 72 Taylor & Francis, UK
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Q3 56 Electrochemical Society, Inc., USA
ECS Electrochemistry Letters Q2 34 The Electrochemical Society, USA
Electrochimica Acta Q1 249 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Energy & Fuels Q1 198 American Chemical Society, USA
Energy Technology Q2 52 Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA, Germany
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Q1 77 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Entropy Q2 81 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), Switzerland
Environmental Science: Nano Q1 79 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Q2 132 Springer Verlag, Germany
Environmental Science & Technology Q1 425 American Chemical Society, USA
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Q2 139 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK
European Physical Journal: Special Topics Q2 80 Springer Verlag, Germany
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery Q1 116 Taylor & Francis, UK
Express Polymer Letters Q1 77 Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem, Department of Polymer Engineering, Hungary
Faraday Discussions Q1 111 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Fluid Phase Equilibria Q1 126 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Fibers and Polymers Q2 58 Korean Fiber Society, South Korea
Food Hydrocolloids Q1 174 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering Q1 37 Higher Education Press, China
Fuel Q1 229 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
GAMM Mitteilungen Q2 19 Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co., Germany
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Q1 257 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Q1 231 American Chemical Society, USA
Inorganic Chemistry Q1 241 American Chemical Society, USA
Intermetallics Q1 120 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Integrated environmental assessment and management Q2 63 Wiley-Blackwell, USA
International Journal of Applied Glass Science Q3 37 John Wiley and Sons Ltd, USA
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Q2 144 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
International Journal of Cast Metals Research Q3 41 Maney Publishing, UK
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Q1 224 Elsevier Ltd., UK
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Q1 231 Elsevier Ltd., UK
International Journal of Materials Research Q3 65 Hanser Publishers, Germany
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Q1 121 Elsevier Ltd., UK
International Journal of Metalcasting Q2 23 American Foundry Society, USA
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Q1 89 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization Q3 32 Taylor and Francis, USA
International Journal of Material Forming Q2 40 Springer-Verlag France, France
International Journal of Mineral Processing Q2 97 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics Q1 91 Elsevier Ltd., UK
International Journal of Simulation Modelling Q2 28 DAAAM International Vienna, Austria
International Journal of Solids and Structures Q1 179 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Ionics Q2 62 Institute for Ionics, Germany
ISIJ International Q1 118 Nippon Tekko Kyokai/Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, Japan
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Q1 310 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Q1 185 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of the American Chemical Society Q1 644 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Q1 203 Wiley-Blackwell, USA
Journal of Applied Physics Q2 294 American Institute of Physics, USA
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Q1 140 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Q1 169 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of Chemical Physics Q2 361 American Institute of Physics, USA
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Q2 94 Elsevier Inc., USA
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Q1 247 Elsevier Inc., USA
Journal of Composite Materials Q2 97 SAGE Publications, USA
Journal of Controlled Release Q1 282 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Crystal Growth Q2 155 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology Q1 52 Editions de Sante, France
Journal of the Electrochemical Society Q1 284 Electrochemical Society, Inc., USA
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Q1 163 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Q2 91 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA
Journal of the European Ceramic Society Q1 159 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Food Engineering Q1 191 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Q1 113 Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry, South Korea
Journal of Industrial Textiles Q2 43 SAGE Publications, USA
Journal of Laser Applications Q2 58 Laser Institute of America, USA
Journal of Manufacturing Processes Q1 64 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME Q1 103 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Q1 240 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Journal of Materials Chemistry B Q1 113 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Journal of Materials Chemistry C Q1 145 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Q2 54 Springer New York LLC, USA
Journal of Materials Processing Technology Q1 158 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Materials Research Q2 133 Cambridge University Press, UK
Journal of Materials Science and Technology Q1 51 Allerton Press Inc., USA
Journal of Materials Science Q1 154 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Q2 40 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, South Korea
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems Q1 131 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA
Journal of Molecular Liquids Q1 82 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Nanobiotechnology Q1 57 BioMed Central, UK
Journal of Nanoparticle Research Q2 108 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Q1 130 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Nuclear Materials Q1 123 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
JOM Q1 89 J O M Institute, USA
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Q1 88 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Q2 44 Springer New York LLC, USA
Journal of Physical Chemistry A Q1 212 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of Physical Chemistry B Q1 363 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Q1 238 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Q1 220 American Chemical Society, USA
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Q2 112 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter Q2 233 Institute of Physics Publishing, UK
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Q1 207 Institute of Physics Publishing, UK
Journal of Porous Materials Q2 58 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands
Journal of Rare Earths Q2 60 The Metallurgical Industry Press, China
Journal of Rheology Q1 110 Society of Rheology, Japan
Journal of Supercritical Fluids Q1 119 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Q1 91 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Taiwan
Journal of the Textile Institute Q2 48 Taylor & Francis, UK
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Q2 101 Springer Netherlands, Netherlands
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Q2 87 Springer New York LLC, USA
Journal of Tribology Q2 89 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Q2 65 Springer New York LLC, USA
Langmuir Q1 346 American Chemical Society, USA
Manufacturing Letters Q1 30 Society of Manufacturing Engineers, USA
Marine Pollution Bulletin Q1 193 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Materials Q2 83 MDPI Open Access Publishing, Switzerland
Materials Characterization Q1 104 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Materials Chemistry and Physics Q2 162 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Materials and Design Q1 187 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Materials Letters Q2 155 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Materials and Manufacturing Processes Q1 73 Marcel Dekker Inc., USA
Materials Research Bulletin Q2 115 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Materials Research Express Q2 43 IOP Publishing Ltd., UK
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing Q1 252 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Materials Science and Technology Q2 95 Maney Publishing, UK
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids Q2 47 SAGE Publications, USA
Measurement Science and Technology Q2 145 Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, UK
Mendeleev Communications Q3 43 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Metals and Materials International Q1 47 Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, South Korea
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Q1 165 Springer Boston, USA
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science Q1 96 Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland
Metals Q2 44 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), Switzerland
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials Q1 170 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Minerals Engineering Q1 115 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Q2 84 Institute of Physics Publishing, UK
Molecular Pharmacology Q1 202 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, USA
Nanoscale Q1 244 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Nano Letters Q1 511 American Chemical Society, USA
Nanotechnology Q2 211 Institute of Physics Publishing, UK
Nature Communications Q1 410 Nature Publishing Group, UK
New Journal of Chemistry Q1 126 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Nuclear Technology Q2 54 American Nuclear Society, USA
Optics and Laser Technology Q1 83 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Pharmaceutics Q1 68 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), Stwitzerland
Philosophical Magazine Q2 94 Taylor & Francis, UK
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Q1 256 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Physics of Fluids Q1 186 American Institute of Physics, USA
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Q1 397 American Physical Society, USA
Physical Review Letters Q1 647 American Physical Society, USA
Plasma Processes and Polymers Q1 79 Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co., Germany 
PLoS ONE Q1 367 Public Library of Science, USA
Polymers Q1 89 MDPI Open Access Publishing, Switzerland
Powder Technology Q1 148 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers Q1 87 Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK
Progress in Materials Science Q1 191 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Rapid Prototyping Journal Q1 97 Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., UK
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science Q2 61 Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Q3 87 Springer Verlag, Germany
Reviews of Modern Physics Q1 352 American Physical Society, USA
RSC Advances Q1 167 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences Q2 52 Springer India, India
Scientific Reports Q1 242 Nature Publishing Group, UK
Small Q1 259 Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co., Germany
Scripta Materialia Q1 205 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Separation and Purification Technology Q1 175 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Smart Materials and Structures Q1 161 Institute of Physics Publishing, UK
Soft Matter Q1 180 Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Solar Energy Q1 194 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells Q1 195 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Steel Research International Q2 55 Wiley-Blackwell, USA
Surface and Coatings Technology Q1 182 Elsevier BV, Netherlands 
Surface Engineering Q2 47 Maney Publishing, UK
Surface Science Q2 149 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Surface Science Reports Q1 121 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Synthetic Metals Q2 147 Elsevier BV, Netherlands 
Thermochimica Acta Q2 142 Elsevier BV, Netherlands 
Thin Solid Films Q2 199 Elsevier Sequoia, Switzerland
Topics in Catalysis Q2 116 Baltzer Science Publishers B.V., Netherlands
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition) Q1 77 Nonferrous Metals Society of China/Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuehui, China
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Q2 35 Springer Science + Business Media, India
Trends in Food Science and Technology Q1 208 Elsevier BV, Netherlands
Tribology International Q1 129 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Tribology Letters Q1 97 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, USA
Vacuum Q2 89 Elsevier Ltd., UK
Virtual and Physical Prototyping Q1 51 Taylor & Francis, UK
Water Research Q1 327 Elsevier BV, Netherlands 
Welding in the World, Le Soudage Dans Le Monde Q2 41 Springer Verlag, Germany